Pumpernickel & Peanut Butter: Why Weird Works

Pumpernickel & Peanut Butter is an ebook that I wrote back in 2019. Readers have told me they really like it, but I’ll let you be the judge. Just drop your email below and I’ll send it over!



An ebook that will give you 7 reasons to double down on your weirdness!

Pumpernickel & Peanut Butter uses original charts, tables, and case studies to inspire you to be weird in a world that wants you to be normal. The book will illustrate the 7 reasons why weird works, when weird doesn’t work, why it’s so hard to be weird, what keeps you normal, and how you can find your own weird (if you’ve lost it.) And trust me, as a kid you more than a little weird. Here’s the thing: P&PB is more than a fun, little ebook about being a weirdo, it will make you seriously question why you haven’t been compounding your weirdness all along.